Apheris enables governed, private, and secure computational access to data for ML and analytics.

As model architectures become increasingly commoditized, data becomes an organization’s key differentiator. However, businesses need to safeguard their data assets and IP while leveraging it for ML. The Apheris Compute Gateway ensures only approved computations can be launched on data, allowing ML-powered insights with no need to share data. Compute Gateways can communicate with each other, allowing businesses to work collaboratively across organizational or geographical boundaries, while ensuring compliance with data privacy, security, and governance obligations.

Federated ecosystem for governed, private and secure industrial document analysis

Apheris, with its expertise in building federated infrastructures for privacy-preserving data analytics, will enable industrial document analytics on distributed documents in the OpenFLaaS project. This involves connecting data/AI rooms at the edge with cloud services and thus create an OpenFLaaS data ecosystem, on which distributed computations can be performed on the data which is remaining local. Additionally, Apheris supports partners in the project with federating NLP algorithms and privacy expertise to make models privacy-preserving.



Sabrina Steinert

Business Manager, Public Funding Projects
